A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Quality time

Had a really rough start to the day - 'words' with James, over something and nothing, that then led to the floodgates opening on an issue that has been niggling him, that I have very little influence or control over, but that clearly is making him feel let down and disappointed. A long heart to heart before leaving for work (some days, being late just doesn't even matter when being a parent is far more important) and agreements reached, and an understanding about family, spending time with each other and making the most of the people around you, and me finding once again that I am having to smooth over the wrinkles that other people's actions create in my little boy's heart and head.

Have therefore spent much of the day wishing my time away so that I could get home to him to spend some quality time with him. That meant going over to see Corin's folks, and little Lily. I'd got her Christmas present early, as we won't see her at Christmas, and she was just dancing around showing everyone her new little Winnie the Pooh teddy, her two new books and the gift bag that had an owl on it with eyes that opened and closed when you pulled the owls tail! She's wonderful and her energy and excitement just rubs off - I really enjoyed the hour we had with them all this evening.

When we came home, James and Corin set about painting and building a model car, whilst I did tea, and we all sat in the kitchen for an hour, talking about our day and just being together like a family should. My words to James about the importance of doing this I think had sunk in, and he has gone to bed content and settled this evening.

And I have to say, I feel much better for resolving some issues and making a decision in my head about how far I am prepared to go to accomodate the whims of others.

Job done. I think I will sleep well tonight.

My boys - you are my priority - I love you both with all of my heart. At the end of the day, nothing else matters.

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