
By dups

Bruce Springsteen concert

Wow what a night! Tash, Lorraine (Rainie) & I have just had a night to remember, along with thousands of other concert goers.
We arrived in Auckland just in time to get to our accommodation The Jucy hotel which turned out to be great although you need to like the colours green and Purple!! we hoped on a free bus and was soon at Mt Smart Stadium.
Bruce opened the night with his version of Loyal how great was that.
The concert was amazing Bruce gave his all and more, encouraging the audience at time to take part and even invited fans on to the stage we weren't close enough ! :-( one lady even got to play his guitar and another sang with him, awesome !
The photos aren't that good as they are taken off the big screens at a distance! With the p&d!
Came away in awe at the musicians the street band, the way they just were so into the music was lovely to see still enjoying it, even though they have been playing for so many years. Unbelievable talented.

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