Plastic Shoe Photos

By suetastic

Easy reader.

I have blipped my ereader before. This time I wanted to show the new cover I got for it. The first cover I bought is pink with cupcakes on it. I love it, but it is very girly. I read a lot of vampire/fantasy/sci-fi books and the cover just wasn't working for me. Then I found this one on etsy! Perfect for the vampire fiction!

I'm currently working my way through Christine Feehan's Dark series. There are about 20 in the series and I'm currently on number 14. A good series, not quite sure what I'm going to read once I've finished the series. 20 books is a long time to be immersed in a world, it always takes me a little while to get into the next book!

There is one thing I miss about real books, and that's the bookmarks! I used to use randon pieces of paper as a bookmark. Sometimes it would be a scrap of papaer, sometimes an old unlucky scratchcard, sometimes a wee note from Avril! Every book had a different bookmark though. And I usually left it in the book once I was done. Maybe I should scrap some of them?

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