Clinging On

Is how it feels in the workplace these days. Made a rare visit to the office this week and dropped by Roger's desk to say hi. We have known each other since we were 17 and he has been with the company since the age of 16 whereas I have moved around a bit. Anyway, he casually dropped into the conversation that he has been made redundant. Leaves on the 21st April. His job is moving to Newcastle/Erskine. Note, his job has not gone away, they have just given it to someone who will do it for less. This sums up the company strategy. They plan to move as many of our jobs as possible to low cost locations, primarily India and Hungary and in the meantime, we are expected to work hard and show exceptional loyalty whilst waiting for the email that tells us they have caught up with us at last.

In other news, great night last night and the most amazing part of the whole evening was Sue asking me to pass her the Brie. This is someone who previously would only eat particular brands of cheddar. Great to see her venturing outside of her comfort zone, but when did this happen and what brought it about I wonder? She even tried a bit of my bacon & onion suet pudding!

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