Week One, Take Two.

The bunnies are so chuffed about reaching the Spotlight page. Many thanks.
A lovely morning here.
Now I know this shot looks like it has been "manufactured", but I promise you that it has been taken straight from the camera apart from a little cropping and light adjustment.
I was out in the garden taking lots of pictures of birds against the sky when this male chaffinch appeared. He was just hopping along the wall and I managed to get this picture.
No prizes for guessing the musical link here.
We had a great evening last night.
Out to friends for a lovely meal and a few drinks.
We played a pass the tablet game. For this, we had to choose a track on Spotify and the rest had to guess what it was.
Rounds included:
A track my parents played
A first single I bought
A favourite track
A favourite instrumental break
I'm not sure why everyone started to leave when I chose this!
Have a relaxing Sunday.
Sent from my iPad

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