
By SomethingAwful

I thought it was funny...

OK so it's not that funny. Unfortunately it's the only photo I took today so it'll have to do.
That's actually quite a shame because today was such a good day!
Well, it started off more just OK, at work, travelling in with Franny after an evening at mine, finishing some admin stuff and then hanging around like a saddo because I didn't want to leave the party (not) and I couldn't be bothered to go to the gym and, after a tiff in the morning, I didn't feel like going home at all, either. Eventually I walked Ben and Mark to the station (leaving with other people gave it some gravitas, I guess), and then back to the gym. Well done.

So this evening... lovely Vietnamese meal with Annie and Daniel at That Place We've Been Meaning To Try Out. Joined by Dan and Phil, double yay, and then Theo, yay as well, on the walk back to mine for a Poker night. :) Many achievements of Things We've Been Meaning To Do, tonight, I'd say!
Didn't win, obvs, not sure if the numerous Cuban Mules helped, but nobody technically won... Next time we'll make it a £10 buy-in, I think, to encourage more commitment. ;)

The boys didn't let me make them breakfast the next morning. Double boo. Maybe they've discovered that they make better shakshuka...

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