DDW's March Vocabulary Challenge Day 2 : Chatoyant
Today has been a glorious spring day. Bright sunshine, hardly any wind and clear blue skies. Just a perfect day for wandering around and taking some pics.
Another walk past the scrapyard was the idea, to try and get a pic that would meet the challenge - chatoyant - "Having changeable lustre or colour". I spotted this old spotlight on the back of an equally old and decrepit tractor. It was once a shiny chrome thing but the years have rotted the chrome away and the lustre has gone. There are still some shiny bits amongst the rust spots though. I really liked the veins and spots of rust in the chrome...
We walked on, accompanied by the dogs who enjoyed the spring sunshine, and stopped here and there to take a few more pics.
It has been a perfect Sunday afternoon, with my beautiful girl
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