Double Shot Mummy


Family Photoshoot....

My husband volunteered my services for a family photoshoot, giving me two days notice.

I was kind of freaked out but thought, you don't get anywhere in life without challenging yourself and overcoming your fears. Besides, great practice and something completely different to my usual children's portraiture!

The fun bit was posing them. With the children, the poses just happen! My teaching skills came in handy here... It was also amazing to have subjects that didn't move around at a hundred miles an hour. I had a lot higher hit rate of in focus pictures! Yay... it's not just me! I am really pleased and excited with the results, and hope to get better and better! Thanks to all my friends and professional photographer friends (Shirley, Leah, Mark, Paul) who have inspired me and encouraged me.

I'm going to ignore every part inside of me that says don't say good things about myself as it will appear boastful and irritatingly presumptuous. I hope that my children will be able to celebrate their achievements so here goes...

I had to submit some homework for my recent photography course. I chose 6 of my favourite photographs of the kids taken within the previous two weeks. The instructor Tonya (An amazingly talented photographer who has been teaching for 20 years), replied to my photos:

"Jodi these are all fabulous! I love every one of them, and you have done a great job of using elements of design… everything looks technically perfect and artistically pleasing AND you've captured great moments. Well done, some of the best homework I've seen! I'm proud! I hope you are happy with them too. I will definitely see you at the GPP event. I'll look forward to it, and we can grab a quick coffee if we have time.

Well done! Tonya"

I'm feeling a little bit chuffed today. Kind of on top of the world. Someone amazing said some nice things about my photos.

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