Digging deep.

Parking...grrr! For a treat I decided to drive to Bushy Park this morning instead of cycling. That was a big mistake - there was not a parking spot to be had anywhere in the park. And, it was not that late either. After I had driven three times around each of the three parking areas I gave up, returned home and walked up to the Foot Bridge in search of an EB.. Having taken loads of images of distant terns, some fighting over bread, some in flight, I was about to return home when this pair of exhausted paddlers came along. I was so grateful to them!

Thank you all so much for putting my yesterday's sunset Blip into the Spotlight. And for all your kind comments, hearts and stars. Forgive me if I do not reply to you all individually, I would never catch up!

The only drawback to posting a good image is that it is hard to follow it up with another one the next day, or thereafter! But I'm not complaining!

It was great to see Katherine Ellis interviewed by Roger Johnson on BBC Breakfast this morning!

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