
By GuernseyMitch

Started off my Sunday with 9.30am touch rugby training for Super League. Enjoyed playing the game again though I am definitely a bit rusty! Coach Alfie made a speech about dedication and putting 100% into our training, at which point I had to say "errr sorry I need to leave early today...also I wont be here for the next two training sessions because I'm skiing" so perhaps not the best start on my part.

I had to leave early for a family meal with Martins parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles etc. We went to the Roquettes to celebrate his Grans 80th (which is next week) and his mums birthday which was today. The meal was lovely, unfortunately I didn't get a photo to blip. So this is just Martin filling the car with petrol on the way home...

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