My first walk since September...
I won't say it was easy but as long as I remembered to breath in and out it all went well. Made back in one piece too...
Had a couple of detours. Do you know drinking Guinness makes Paul hilarious? No neither did I....remind me to tell you his theory on narrow boats one day, you'll laugh your socks off. No, really you will. Its as good as the security guard/traffic warden / engineering structure altercation...well almost.
Stopped off at the Blue Thai Kitchen on the way home. Bloody lovely. Declared it our new favourite.
Made a few decisions today. One of them was that I like living where we do, it's sooo convenient for everywhere!
Lots of talk about the FB / Twitter / Instagram #100happydays challenge this month - Won't always match my photo but will record my moments of appreciation here as a journal record starting today.
1/100 - The sun on my face and a spring in my step x
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