I scream, You scream, We all scream...
...for Ice Cream.
Lazy rainy day. Ending for Conor with a big ice cream, and for me with a big Mr B chilli.
Only crazy incident to report today is from Mr B, who called into the local supermarket just after dark. It was windy, and as he arrived a car alarm was going off. He called me to ask something, then wandered over to the shop, past the alarmed car. There was a 2 year old girl inside, screaming and crying because of the noise. He tried to shout to her that it would be ok and ran in to get them to page the driver. It took two pages and about 10 minutes before she (the mum) finally went out to see what was up.
Anyone else think it's appropriate to leave a 2 year old in a car while you do the shopping?
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