Double Shot Mummy


Tonsillitis strikes!

The buttons have got tonsillitis. Such a shame as they haven't been to the doctor for 6 whole months!
They love going to the doctor... always have. The highlight for me was watching Oscar get a throat swab and Bailee putting her hand on his knee and saying, "Oscar don't be scared, be brave, you'll be ok!"

Last night was a long and broken one. Stu is away so the night consisted of getting up and down to Oscar and Bailee... Bailee coming in my bed and shivering violently against me, so hot, but she thought she was so cold. Oscar was next in the bed and close to sunset, Maple joined the brood. Lucky for our super-king!

So no school today. As their temperatures were at 40 degrees, we went to the doctors. The day was mostly spent watching tv and snuggled on the sofa. Oscar played a bit of play dough and Bailee did some reading. We made some gluten free vanilla cakes, but they didn't have a lot of energy and were off their food (This means they are really sick).

Maple, on the other hand is well :-)

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