Watching old cine film

I have just spent a few hours watching my DVDs of old transferred videos, the first of which were originally reel to reel tapes. The quality of picture is quite poor but you get used to it, and it is facinating to see ones parents as a young couple looking glamorous in the 1950s. Seeing myself with my two sisters in the 1960s is so interesting, seeing how we played, our matching clothes (I am a twin), but not identical, and the house and garden we grew up in. Patch the guinea pig was in a large pen with wire netting around the edge but no cover and never came to any harm, so wasn't there any fox, badger, bird of prey or cat in those days? Happy the rabbit just hopped around the whole woods part of the garden anywhere he wanted. My 4th birthday cake I shared with my twin sister had one plastic hippo on it, which I still have today! I liked it because it could float and my other plastic animals sank! I loved my plastic animals, and guinea pig. Such a carefree existance for our pets and ourselves.....
The tubs on the Bridge have got new flowers!

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