Goldfinch on my feeder I know ...

I sang to the tune of "Girlfriend in a Coma" just like they do on I'm Sorry I haven't a clue on Radio 4

I have had a funny sort of day - I had been over doing the coffee over the weekend and went Cold Turkey today. I think this was a mistake and that probably is better to just go on drinking the coffee.

Very sunny and lots of birds around but this one is a little in the shade so not great definition but better than the other finches.

Helped my sister clear out her shed - we had to force open an old metal cupboard and all the things inside seemed to have a story attached - though some members of the family have very different stories about the same item :-)

I do wish I had gone to dump as I missed hearing the crash as all the parts of the cabinet I helped dismantle were dropped in to a completely empty trailer

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