Swans on the salt marshes

It is only a few times a year that the salt marshes behind the sand dunes on Belhaven Bay are totally covered by seawater and it is usually in the autumn and spring when these very high tides occur and meet up with the swollen waters from Biel Water from recent heavy rain. Today was such a day so when I took the dogs a walk this afternoon it was high tide and the river and sea water were at there highest, fortunately not so high that the path alongside the river was wholly covered. The late afternoon sun was shining brightly having popped its head from behind a cloud.

I’ve noticed previously when this happens the swans from the nearby Seafield Pond often migrate to the salt marshes as there is food a plenty for them find t on the shallow waters covering the slat marsh. They look very regal on the calm waters with the maram grass of the dunes behind them and the distant Bass Rock looming up on the horizon. As I was using a telephoto lens it looks quite close though it is actually some miles away.

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