A proper snow day!
Started off the day with a drive towards Aberfeldy then turned off at Coshieville, through Keltyburn and over to Lawers to one of our favourite walks by the dam. There was a decent covering of snow on the slopes and lots of people out with skis and sledges, the dogs loved it. We started to head towards Glen Lyon but the road wasn't looking good so we decided not to look for trouble and headed back down to Loch Tay.
We had a lovely stop off in Killin at the falls and for a little shopping before heading down to Loch Earn through Glen Ogle. We saw four buzzards circling over Twenty Shilling Wood (unfortunately too far away to get a decent picture but we could hear them mewing). After heading through Comrie we took a detour to look at the Cultybraggen camp, T was billeted there when the Black Watch were given the freedom of Auchterarder.
A quick trip to Perth and a visit to M & S for something yummy for tea and a stop off for the last walk of the day round Loch Dunmore before getting cosy with a couple of drams of Edradour. All in all a rather spiffing day!
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