whatever nature does to me in the form of pollen, I totally forgive it when I get presented with scenes like this.

Yesterday and most of today was pretty hellish as I (over)reacted to the very high pollen count - at the moment the hazel and the alder are out, a combination that does it's best to kill me and can only be trumped by a full on silver birch tree (that pleasure is yet to come). However, a combination of not eating anything (the best way to avoid any chance of cross reactions) and winning a VIP day of sauna, massage and a personal trainer have made me feel better. Added to that is the wonder of nature, good friends who make me laugh and support me or just make me feel happy because they exist and a wonderful husband who just brought a cup of tea.....and drugs that I can take to knock me out for the night and the world isn't such a bad place after all.

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