Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Perfect day for a walk

What a gorgeous day its been here today, no rain, woo hoo!! I decided to make the most of it and after I'd finished a job I took Misty to Sale Fell. Well we didn't quite have time to actually walk up Sale Fell but it didn't really matter as we still got the views by doing a shorter walk. It was great just standing looking at the view and there was barely any wind which is really unusual as quite often its impossible to stand for long for being bashed around by the wind. We also more or less had the place to ourselves and there were no sheep around so Misty got to have a run. I met a guy, looked fit, wearing the right footwear, and he'd just fallen on some mud and twisted his knee. So its not just me who slips, was quite relieved!! I did take lots of care going downhill as very determined I was going to stay upright!

I last blipped this view back in November and its my most popular blip to date, but of course there was no Misty in the shot. Hope you like it :) Ooh I'd better say the view is of Skiddaw and the lake is Bassenthwaite.

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