
By Dotty


More playing...

I had such a fun meeting with the endocrinologist this morning. He'd asked if I'd googled 'anything' - and to my sheepish "A bit, maybe..." he then pitted me and his registrar against each other in a rapid-fire question/answer session on Graves Disease and its treatment. I actually put my hand up at one stage "Me, me - I know the answer!".

I'd already started the most obvious route a few weeks ago when the hyperthyroidism was picked up, but had to abandon that last week after a particularly nasty reaction to the drugs. There are two options left open: I'll start on the first tomorrow, just to slow the thyroid down and then give serious consideration to putting the poor thing out of its misery for good.

Anyway, I'm glad it's been named and shamed and now we can set about giving it a good old-fashioned thrashing. And then maybe I'll be able to get some sleep...

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