Sarah's 2014

By nellie0508

Playing Barbies

Today was an indulgent day for me, the quiet before the storm of the visit at work, I got my 'homework' of euro per tron out the way first and had a lazy breakfast of chocolate twist with a cup of tea.
Afterwards I watched 9 episodes of Mr Selfridge which I mow adore, and especially loved the episode featuring Anna Pavlova.
In the early afternoon I got my dolls out and had a little play, mostly swapping outfits and accessories and marvelling at how easy it is to fix up new looks for Barbie, she always looks the height of current fashion. I especially loved a cute office chic number I came up with, complete with leather briefcase!
I altered a dress for Terri for her party, made aubergine bake for dinner and enjoyed Luke hugs after he got back from work.
Today I am grateful for days off where I have nothing at all to leave the house for.

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