
By scribbler

Lundi Gras

Saying goodbye to Epiphanytide and the Baby Jesus who arrived on Christmas Eve ... and to daily blips. SOOC.

Lundi Gras, the apogee of the season of Epiphany, is the day before Mardi Gras, which is the day before Ash Wednesday. Time to get ready for the penitential season of Lent with a carnival. Time to bid farewell to self-indulgence by wallowing in it before setting it aside.

I am setting aside the self-indulgence of posting a photo every day and admiring the many that you've posted. I need to let photography lie fallow for a bit so I can return to it with renewed enthusiasm — like the Alleluias we set aside during Lent and rejoice to resume at Easter. I plan to return eventually (in a week? a month? who knows?), but at a more leisurely pace.

I will miss this warm and encouraging community.
I wish you well, I wish you joy.
May you have a holy and profitable Lent.

LittlestDragon's 'Simplicity' challenge #3.

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