An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Young at Heart...


THIS came on my ipod this morning and I was immediately transported back to 1984. Then I realised that's 30 years ago. THIRTY years??!!! Holy sh*t!


Big day today…..Ed came in for the first time early morning to start getting Alan up, showered and dressed for school. He had a practice at the weekend when there was no time constraints and got on fine.

It was agreed that David would be on hand just in case Ed needed help at any point but him and Alan both managed fine. The plan is D will hang around in the background tomorrow morning too then after that Ed can see how he feels and if he is happy to proceed on his own from there on in, then David will be free to just get up and get himself organised in the morning. What a novelty!

Collected Alan from school early as he had his annual asthma check. His cold seems worse again today and by the time he saw the nurse his nose had turned into a snot factory and he was not in the best of moods. He forced himself to give her a little smile. I suspect if she’d been blonde it may have been a different story. That aside she was very happy with him and we don’t need to see her for a year.

Alan had an early night and we had planned the same but got gripped by a telly programme about Sauchiehall Street in Glasgow. Oh dear God! I shall say no more!

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