Marquicks by the Sea

By KarenMarquick

Afternoon Sun along Southbourne Overcliff

I meant to take some photos this morning while Issy and I were taking a walk in Christchurch. We went with friends to feed the ducks, however, we had a bread disaster. The bread bag fell off the buggy as we were crossing a little road on the Quay and a very impatient and inconsiderate driver in his big Jag couldn't wait for me to pick the bag up from the side of the road, so instead he drove over it - nearly taking my arm off!

It was only a bit of old bread for the ducks, but it did cross my mind that he wouldn't have known what was in the bag, therefore could have been driving over my daughters lunch, her coat, or my handbag. I was so cross and if it weren't for the fact Issy and her friend Fraya were with us I would have had a few choice words to say.

Anyway, that was this morning. Instead I found my blip when I took both Olly and Issy to the park on Southbourne Overcliff this afternoon.

Love the way the sun makes the sea glimmer in the afternoons.

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