Old Bat

By OldBat

male goosander

or should that be gandgander? I also had a very nice image of its female partner but chose to post this one because I was fascinated by the texture of its legs - they look like something made for a cheap and early Hollywood horror movie, thinking of the amazing costume of e.g. The Creature from the Black Lagoon. You can see that better if you go large.

Some people started to feed a couple of swans and a goose with bread. The goose hooted and so alerted all the nearby ducks, mainly mallards, who made a bee-line for the feeding spot. The goosander pair also went, but didn't really seem to have any idea what for as they kept running back and forth with the others but without trying to get the bread. And when the gulls started dive bombing, they began to be even more disoriented.

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