Strange Light

What a day.

I started work on mounting 14 posters for a local church and thought I was then going to have a relaxing lunchtime.

That went down the Swanney when I got a phone call from a doctor elling me Dad wasn't too well - possibly a small stroke - and was heading to the hospital.

Then SWMBO arrived home with a friends daughter to use the internet as hers was down.

Mid afternoon I phoned and found that Dad was still waiting to be seen by a doctor at the hospital.
So I headed in with SWMBO and met up with my sister.

Dad of course seemed to have got over his 'turn' and was more lucid with better speach than for months.

After he had been there 5 hours they decided they had better take blood.
The nurse tried ........ on both arms - and failed miserably.

It was at that point that SWMBO started to turn grey, sweat and collapsed.
Her timing is impeccible.
We then had doctors and nurses a plenty.

SWMBO came round and after a while I took her home.

From the time the doctor called me in the morning to Dad getting back to the home was 9+ hours.........with a sandwich and a cup of coffee since breakfast.

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