Things that could be other things

We just watched the hot-off-the-presses blue-ray DVD of the latest Star Trek movie. It is a wild, wonderful ride and let me just say that the young Spock

I adore sci-fi movies, one reason being that my eyes are constantly roaming the screen for the details. I try to figure out what they used in the costumes and how they achieved certain textures and looks. Same thing for props...the weaponry, medical devices, control panels, circuit boards and myriad of knobs and things you find in a Star Trek movie. Sometimes, if it's on the screen long enough I think I recognize certain parts of things.

This stack of clear plastic CD hard cases struck me today as I was organizing my work space. It looks like (to me) a core device inside another device that if you were able to turn and lock while fighting off the villain, could abort the countdown to a self-destruct sequence of the space ship you were on.

Tonight we're watching the making-of bonus feature DVD...costumes and props.

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