Tales from the Swamp

By fatmungo

Marching in March

Another manic Sunday combined with extreme tiredness after a marvellous boozy night at the neighbours. Hurrah!

The day kicked off with youngling #2 at swimming (too early!) and then back home for another attack on the “mess that shall not be named”. We have now moved into phase 2 which involves my hoardings in the loft. It started as getting common junk into one place but I just got more annoyed/ embarrassing about the amount of junk I have up there. Youngling #1 was loving it though. It’s a treasure trove for him. The reality is that some of it will need to sent to ebay as it will never really be used. I’m *really* bad at selling stuff though.

After that we were out at rugby which was swiftly followed by a Boys Brigade march and church service through in Kirkintilloch. The weather was super miserable but the boys did a grand job and the pipe bands were ace.

Where = Wet Wet Kirky
Food = CHIPS!
TV = Game Of Thrones S2

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