View From The Study

By StudyView

Let There Be Light

Weird light, made with wire wool swung around heads on a cold beach at the end of Portobello prom. First blipmeet; mistake not going home to get changed as suit not ideal, but nice to meet some folk even if I wasn't at my most chatty after a long day, and then do something creative rather than just talk about it. Maybe I should have stuck a wider angle lens on, but the 50mm worked quite well with a 30 second exposure. Had the car so couldn't sample the pints in the lovely Espy. Can see why folk live in that area.

Better start to the day with girls after last night's foodfight and good to hear they've done well this evening. Don't normally like Tuesday's as it is handover day but went ok today, and Floss has tidied her room; very suspicious for a 13 year old. Work ok, and some good connections made and managerial tasks done.

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