
By McZoo

What's on the Menu

So I was back with my usual preceptor today. It was an ordinary day in the pediatrics office. No big moments, but that's okay. I like the routine of clinic. I like the variation between sick and well, benign and worrisome, and acute and chronic. I like the teaching of patients (in pediatrics their parents). I love the connections we make on a daily basis. Plus, you always find something to learn. Some days it is the way your attending approaches a particular problem or a neat trick they have for charting/documentation or physical exam. Some days it is something that a patient or parent tells you - viewing the world through their eyes. And some days it is the science of medicine. However, I've found that more often it is the art.

Tonight my husband made bok choy lamb wraps. They're always a big hit in our house. I had mine with a side of Blueprints Pediatrics, because we are always learning.

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