Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Impatient out-patient

Needed to see my neurosurgeon today.
I was not at all patient during the two hours I had to wait beyond my appointed time. By the time I was seen the receptionists had long gone. I can't deal with sitting for very long because of the back injury, but when I got up, or paced, in order to relieve some of my pain, receptionists told me off.
I was not a happy woman.
Little dude was a gem, though. Not sure if this is part of the transition from little boy to big boy in readiness for his seventh birthday on Saturday, as seven seemsto be when boys suddenly stop being little. He sat still, quiet, and read for most of the time we were waiting.
Now that he's done it, I know he CAN sit still and quiet in a waiting room for a prolonged period, so he has no excuse next time he is waiting to see the GP. Hah. Hahahahah!

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