
Well - here goes. Having watched - with a growing sense of wonder and admiration - my wife post an image every day for the past year or so, I have reluctantly decided to join in. I say ‘reluctantly’ because I do not consider myself to be a photographer. I do not carry a camera everyday (as she now does). I do not wake up inspired each day (as she now does… you get the idea).

I talk about photography a lot. But I don’t take very many picturess. I’m more of a snapshot person who happens to like cameras.

The jokes about having more cameras than actual photographs are now beginning to wear a bit thin. The catalyst for this new venture is a new lens, purchased just a couple of days ago. It’s a prime lens - 25mm f1.8. As I use a micro4/3 camera this is equivalent to a 50mm standard lens on a 35mm camera. A bit like the one on my 50 year-old Pentax S1 (gathering dust on my bookshelf).

Anniemay’s a bit skeptical about this lens; “how do you zoom in and out?” You don’t - you walk backwards or forwards. It’s bit like the days before TV remotes when you actually had to walk over to the set to change channel.

I’m explaining all this at the breakfast table and grab a quick shot to make the point. The lens is amazingly (and unflatteringly) sharp wide open. So the image is processed in Nik Silver Efex to make it look like it was shot 50 years ago. I could have saved my money and just stuck a beer bottle on the camera.

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