Playful mood

5:45 am - meow
5:46 am - Carrie go back to sleep
6:00 am - scratch , scratch on the mirror
6:15 am - poke on the nose
6:30 am - I push her off the bed
6:45 am - she jumps back
7:00 am - meow , meow , meow
7:05 am - I feed her

Dan gets up at 5:15 so she's used to being fed at that time . Couldn't she just give us a break on the weekend !!

7:40 am - she jumps back , cuddles up and falls asleep .
9:00 am - playtime

Not too much planned for the weekend . Keeping care of Boston tonight , 2012 tomorrow and a few walks .

Have a great weekend all :)

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