South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth


This is hubby engrossed in sticking stamps into his album. They are all stuck in so neatly and straight and it involves a great deal of focus to get one put in just right! He said he would have posed if he knew I was taking his photo, but I wanted to catch him in the moment!

This photo was taken with my rubbish old iPod touch camera - too tired to be bothered this evening with camera plus net book, so just used the app to get it on here. Michael, the workman was here most of the day and was leaving at the same time I needed to leave, so I was trying to lock everything up behind him! The window cleaner also turned up and was trying to chat to me as I was trying to get lunch cooked! I seemed to spend a lot of my time making teas and coffees, while trying to get other things done in between! Then went to the hairdressers and asked him to cut a lot off my hair and he did a beautiful cut, but I don't like it. It's just below shoulder length and it's too short - I think it makes my face look fat! (Hubby and son assure me it's fine! I didn't tell the hairdresser that I didn't like it, cos I asked him to cut it shorter!). Just one of those days I guess!

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