Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

Naughty step

Weather is just weather, nothing much you can do about, it does what it does. It's been mild compared to previous years here in Inverness.
I'm grateful for that.
The walk into town was a joy this morning, lovely birdsong en route as the day wakes up. I try recording it on the audio boo app on my phone, mostly what comes out is the sound of my work boots and sound of my jacket as I walk, the sound of the app counting down to record stops the birds in their tracks too, I can just imagine them like gerbils moving their heads around in a rapid jerky movement thinking "what's that" or maybe something not so polite.
A decent day at work today, probably my best since I have returned. Still a long hard road for me to go, but today was encouraging.
Hope that you've all had a good day

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