
By bevhumphrey

just for fun!!

I know this is a rubbish picture cos its taken through the window in Barton Arcade in Manchester so the lighting was all peculiar and the reflections are all over the place....but it gave me such a laugh today!
I was actually looking up at the quite ornate ceilings of the arcade, when I realised I was stood outside this really retro barbers shop and so was distracted. The 3 blokes waiting on the sofa were obviously bemused at me taking pictures of a ceiling and were waving to get me to take their picture. The laughter erupted because I asked them through the window " what the hell is THAT for".....pointing to the errrrmm rather odd Dalek shaped equipment shall we call it on the shelf in the foreground....well I won't repeat the comments that were being gestured after that, but it was all in good humour!! They don't have those at my hairdressers !
So todays blip is just for fun rather than artistry!

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