official brownie

poor wee peggo was all stressed tonight on the way to brownies. we weren't sure if it was a dress-up night as she'd been told by a pal they were to dress up as what they wanted to be when they were older. peggy insisted she wanted to be scooby-doo so had the costume on. then she wasn't sure, and we weren't sure, so she changed to a nurse and we headed off to brownies with her uniform in a bag incase no one else was dressed up. on top of all this, she was doing her brownie promise, and although she knew it by heart, she was worried about saying it...

turns out most were not dressed up, so we nipped into the toilet to change. poor thing had a wee worried face on the whole time. she's also getting some hassle from a wee boy at school which isn't helping. little git.

anyway, when we came back later to hear her do her promise, she was playing the piano to the whole brownie group - then said her promise perfectly. wee star, she was ace, and was so chuffed after it.

well done peggalicious!

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