Sink or Swim

I saw another customer today with a Yahoo problem, though giving them their due this wasn’t actually Yahoo’s issue but a phishing email purporting to be from Yahoo asking for his user id and password. NEVER, NEVER fill in a user id and password on an unsolicited email, even if it looks genuine. Always go to the web site through your normal browser.

Luckily no damage appears to have been done, and he spent three hours talking to Yahoo who assured him his account had not been hacked. Needless to say, we changed the password.

After lunch Ann and I spent a happy hour in B&Q buying a new sink, fitments and tap for our kitchen. She then went to look at paint whilst I browsed ‘man things’, drills, tools and other things, none of which I need.

The picture is Joan of Arc, on a pedestal. She’s always been here in Stratford but I’m not sure of the connection between her and our town. If you look large you may notice two things, first she is crying and secondly she has a bird’s nest by her feet.

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