Yayyy body painting :-)
I was given these lovely photos of Eva today when I collected her from nursery. The babies had been painting yellow paint onto big white sheets of paper to make Spring chicks for the new wall display, plus painting themselves and having baths in plastic tubs afterwards. I bet they had great fun and I bet they were so cute doing it. I noticed Eva's dummy (num nums) too, she doesn't really have a dummy at home apart from sleep time, but seems to have it more at nursery. She's even still got it in in the bath lol.
Today's daily diary nursery entry...
Date: 3/3/14
Key worker: (Buddy) Helen
Breakfast: weetabix
Snack: melon
Lunch: macaroni cheese and a yoghurt
Tea: chicken wraps and cucumber
Bottles: am drank all, pm drank 3oz
Sleep: 12-2.10pm
Nappies: 10small s, 12d, 2 small s, 5s
Activities: Eva was given the roller and she waved it in the air and then rolled it on the paper.
One thing that I think we were all amazed about from today, was Eva's length of sleep at sleep time!! Helen said Eva did wake up for about 20 minutes in between, but settled herself back off to sleep. I think it helps as it is a lot quieter in nursery on a Monday. Xxx
P.s it was also Grandad Peter's 64th birthday today and mom and Peter's wedding anniversary (24 years married I think, wow!) I dropped some cards round and stayed for a bit and also included a birthday card just off Eva for her Grandad. Xxx
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