Have a nice daye!

By Su5hma

Worth the Extra?

At almost £10 for a regular ticket, is it worth the extra to get the comfy seats? On this occasion we decided it wasn't - and I am not quite sure what the bean bag seats right down the front in our screen were all about!

12 Years a Slave was the film choice tonight - I wasn't sure I wanted to see it - and it was horrible! Very well made and great acting but the story was unpleasant and uncomfortable - made all the worse for it being based on a true story - and unfortunately we can't just sweep it under the counter and say it was all in the past as kidnapping people for "slavery" is still happening even in this country - which I think made it worse!

Definitely worth seeing - but after that tonight and the Monuments Men last week I think I need some light hearted fluff next time!

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