Eyes in the dark
It's been a long day today, getting up at dawn to head across town to get my interim Victorian driver's licence. This was a formality, in that I just had to show my NZ one, but everyone had been warning me of the long queues and pain of dealing with VicRoads. Pffft. I was in and out in 13 min, and made it back across town to be only 2 min late for the daily meeting.
I worked late today, despite a headache as I will be leaving earlier tomorrow - I am off to Canberra for the long weekend. No real reason, but fortuitously a cousin of mine who lives there has just welcomed a new baby into the world, so great timing!
Kept up my walking tonight, and finally managed a shot of a couple of the possums I keep spotting in the shadows. Always seems odd - we consider them pests in New Zealand, as they cause harm to our native fauna, but here in Australia they are protected! Go figure.
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