
Liked her new biscuits I got her today, they are spinach apple and
broccoli odd combination but as you can see not much left, she is
having all sorts of food now and some meat mixed into her diet
her folks were just going to give her a vegy diet but as I said why
don't you giver her the choice, she can make her own mind up when
she's older like you guys did, anyhoo she hasn't turned her nose up
at anything yet, which is always nice. We went to pick up Mr L's new
specs today and popped to the dreaded supermarket :-(( Weeeeeel I
was in one aisle and this women said to her man Im just going to the
bread counter I won't be long, and when she was out of earshot he
muttered aye canna effin wait, I looked at him and smiled and he
winked and we both started to laugh, deary me..... Did anyone watch
Mrs Brown last night it was the last one, OMG it was soooooooooo
funny, the bit when they were talking about Venice and paddling up
the canal in a gonorroea instead of Gondola it was hilarious
sorry if I offend anyone with that word....
He's such a clever guy to write that series, and to add lib all the time
anyhoo I thought it was funny... As you can see and some of you will
be relieved my arty farty phase has left me... but maybe not for good:-)))
Hope your all having a great day..X

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