
Celeripedean - a word meaning swift-footed. I think the word probably refers to running but I don’t run. I think running is bad for you, at least I think it is for me. I don’t think my knees were built for it but if you give me one of these machines I can be as fleet footed as the next man (well probably not Mark Cavendish but the ordinary next man).

This image was supposed to portray me being celeripedean on one of Igor’s bikes which is permanently set up on a turbo trainer. It didn’t quite turn out the way it looked in my head. I couldn’t make it work out even using the slow synch flash we learnt about in bobsbitz challenge. I might have time later to work out why that might be but for the moment this is all I’ve got.

I need to say thank you to everyone who looked at, commented on and gave me hearts and stars for yesterday’s blip. It made it to the spotlight which was so unexpected but brilliant. Thank you everyone.

Another newsworthy item is that finally I have persuaded Igor to become a blipper!! He’s posted two blips, one yesterday and today he beat me to it by getting in very quickly and blipping before I had even got to thinking about mine. I don’t think he’s going to be joining in challenges just yet but at least he’s posting blips!!

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