The Goose and The Gander

By gooseandgander

Our First Movie!

We've certainly seen plenty of movies while here in China, however none at the cinema.

That is until Saturday!

The Goose, E, P, and I all went to see the new movie 2012, about the end of the world as we know it.

The pricing for the tickets are no different from the States, but we got assigned seating, which were not used to. The food/drinks were a lot less expensive though, and the seats had more leg room, which I found particularly surprising as I rarely ever fit comfortably anywhere in China. The theater eventually filled up, but all throughout the movie, people were text messaging and occasionally chatting.

The film itself was cheesy, but jam-packed with action and very visually entertaining. At times, we found ourselves laughing at the sequence of events, and the romantic tensions taking place along with explosions left and right.

Definitely no major complaints, as the experience was fun overall.

Not the most exciting blip by any means, but certainly gives all you out there an authentic piece of our lives as we live it.

I can't believe we've almost made it 30 days in a row taking pictures.

That said, we still can't believe we've been in China for over 3 months. Heres to 6 more!

~The Gander

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