Wow and Eww

After school rehearsal for Saturday evening's concert, this lad is playing Chopin's Etude Op 10 Nº12 Revolutionary. Fast and furious (as you can see from the blurred left hand!) and his playing of it absolutely blew me away. We also have music by Debussy, Grieg, Bach, Billy Joel and Dolly Parton!! It was a lovely end to the work part of my day. Full and final rehearsal tomorrow.

Besiktas is very poorly. Last night, seemingly out of the blue, she was so listless and lethargic and in distress so that this afternoon, before rehearsal, I took her to the vet. When, as part of his 'look see' he forced her mouth open as only vets can do, inside it looked like something from a zombie movie - absolutely gross. Poor, poor little thing has a foul mouth and gum infection of such extreme appallingness I will spare you the details other than to say that just the sight generated an involuntary face scrunching "omg" and "eww" from both of us :( Why I didn't really notice anything until yesterday - because it must have been getting worse for a while - I just can't fathom and I feel awful about it. She will stay at the vet's for a week where hopefully, she will make a full recovery. Of course I checked the other three cats and Connie this evening and made a promise to be more observant from now on when engaged in animal husbandry.

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