Hunchback of Sant'Antonio

Playing with the ND filters again today to leave the aperture open wide. I just love to blow the background into oblivion.... even when it is sunny out!

What a great day! It is finally sunny, clean air, and warm. The Whole girdle of the Alps was laid bare today and the white snowy arc shone in all her glory!!! AND, my lungs are mostly clear of the crap I have been weezing on for the last few weeks.

18° C at noon.

Sunny, dry roads.... Aswad on the headphones, time to feel funky and stretch the legs!

I took the shorter route and pushed as hard as could which was pretty lame actually for the first half. Then I sat back and stopped to smell the roses. A nice touristic outing today with lots of little photo ops. The rest are on here.

22 km's total. Nothing earth shattering, but I feel MUCH better and in the zone!

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