Henry Gray

By Gustavo

Gas power

Appropriately in Gas Town there is a large steam powered clock that churns out steam on a regular basis. Of course as tourists we had to go and see it.

Day two otherwise involved a trip to the East side of town for coffee and doughnuts in the second competitor for 'best doughnuts in Vancouver', then a misguided attempt to order the special of the day at the noodle house in Chinatown. I'm not sure what was in my noodles but I do know it was slightly slimy and unnecessarily chewy. A stroll through the botanics followed before going to the aforementioned Gas Town. We also stopped off in an outstanding second hand bookshop with literally mounds of books on the floor to be picked over. It's tough to choose just one photo per day! By now our feet were decidedly wet so we headed home for happy hour and more evening entertainment with the relatives!

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