Wet Dry Sunny Rainy

By eubers


We were experiencing the horrible weather today that has been causing so much havoc in the NW of the UK. Decided to brave the weather to take Her Majesty for a walk at Loch Lomond. At least we would get some good photos. Goretex was taking her hundredth blip today so you can get a general feeling for the day.
I took some photos which you would swear were in black and white, nearly used some of those, but not exactly cheery.
In the evening a bunch of us all went out for a meal - this is a virtually unknown event due to kids etc, but we did it.
Here is a rather lovely Art Deco building that graces Glasgow.
It used to be a University residence - I'm not sue if it still is. I remember as a very young boy - possibly quite wrongly - my Dad visiting a friend who was staying here and there being a skittles alley in the building - Doesn't sound likely but that's what I remember

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