Blue glass

The Forum reflected in all it's blueness in the window of St Peter Mancroft. I've never seen it like this before.

I could've posted a photo from this evening's Sing with Pride open workshop that we held as part of the Hate Free Norfolk campaign (and please! no comments about 'shouldn't there be a hyphen there?'), which attracted a good number of people and we sang some fabulous songs, heard a very inspirational and heartfelt speech, ate cake and had a giggle too but I chose this one instead as it's more - well - reflective.

Which is how I'm feeling at the moment as I heard today that two lovely people are facing some pretty serious health problems, another is having a tough time with her family. I really, really, really hope that things work out well for all of them.

I have so much to be thankful for, and many blessings to count. And I really do.

And 'We Are Norwich' are hosting a Hate Free Norfolk event on Saturday afternoon so that will probably be the focus of my post then.

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