Sea of Fog

For reasons I won't dwell upon, I wound up getting up at 5 o'clock this morning. By the time it got light, I was fully dressed and ready to take Ozzie for his walk. The ground fog was rising from the green fields, and sending little fingers up the surrounding hills. The trees with new leaves stood out in contrast to the trees with no leaves. It was very peaceful and quite bucolic.

I spent the rest of the day on a shopping adventure with my neighbor Cindy. First we had to drop off her car at the Marin German Car Dealership, which isn't really called that, and which sells and services most German cars except Mercedes (which has its own place right next door.) The whole place is brand new and made me feel like I had just walked into a European bus station. We even got a "courtesy car" to drive three miles to the shopping center and park in the parking lot all day before driving back to pick up her car.

In the shopping center we both fell in love with very expensive, cowboy boots with flowers embroidered all over them. Much texting of daughters and husbands ensued After all I DO have a big birthday coming up and maybe OilMan would thank me for solving the birthday present dilemma for him. His response to Cindy who sent him a picture was ,"will they make her walk any faster?", and his response to me was, "if you buy those boots we'll have to move to Fort Worth." We had a lot of fun. I didn't buy the boots. But I know where they are….

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